Thursday, May 18, 2006

Are you in The Twilight Zone?

Does anyone remember "The Twilight Zone"? Ah, the 60s! . . . well. "Imagine, if you will", walking into a game of the farm club of the New York Yankees. You purchase your ticket, buy your hot dog, find your wooden seat, and get set to watch the future stars of the big leagues. Then to your amazement, something is very wrong with the picture before your eyes! The players are committing way too many errors. They seem strangely unprepared, and not nearly ready for prime time.

Do not adjust your TV, the problem is on the playing field! You see, these would-be greats have rarely if ever watched the real live New York Yankees play a major league game in Yankee Stadium! Impossible, you say. Baseball is what they are training to do. It's their passion, their goal, their future livelihood! No, what you see is real. You have just been taken out not to the ballgame, but into The Twilight Zone!

In the following scene you are entering a concert hall in a prestigious music school. You've purchased your ticket, found one of the many empty seats available, and get set to listen to the concert. Then to your amazement, once again something is very wrong with the picture before your eyes and ears! Why, these players are making way too many mistakes. They seem strangely unprepared, and not nearly ready for prime time.

The announcer interrupts the concert advising you that the problem is on the stage. You see, these would-be musicians have rarely if ever attended or listened to a major symphony orchestra concert, and they are not familiar with the music as it should be performed. Impossible, you say. Music is what they are training to do. It's their passion, their goal, their future livelihood! Unfortunately, what you heard is real. Once again, you have entered not the concert hall, but The Twilight Zone.

This scenario is intended to be motivational, not judgmental.

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