Friday, April 26, 2013

Mamma said they'll be days like this!

Which is worse, physical pain or mental anguish?  Many would say the latter? Smooth sailing is occasionally met with sudden and unexpected bouts of discouragement and depression.  Why? We don't always know. How quickly though we can go from the best of times to the worst of times! Thankfully, turnarounds happen.

Unfortunately discouragement is part of life and the growing process. Don't be surprised when you discover that you didn't leave home without it.  It can be used to your advantage however. Think of it this way. How would we ever learn to overcome adversity if we never had to deal with it? Although the road to improvement has its potholes and roadblocks, they must be viewed as necessary keys for our improvement.

Take the audition/jury/board/testing scenario for instance.  It can be an absolutely dreadful ordeal, agree?  Funny. Auditions may or may not produce a winner, but they always produce a whole bunch of "losers".  Who doesn't hate when that happens? Although it is often brutal, it can be the best experience for us as a person and as a player.  Who never lost at anything?

We are built to fight, not surrender.  A set back is not a defeat.  Losing is not failing.  I just heard it said concerning an audition loss, "it wasn't a waste of time unless you didn't try your best."  Someone will always play better than you, and you will always play better than someone else. Comparison is not the issue.  Consistently trying to do your best is all you can do.  

A little humbling, whether deserved or not, can be just what is needed to jump start improvement and greater maturity. It's so trite, but true: "don't get bitter, get better."  Auditioning takes practice.  The next one will be easier. 

OK. Calling all of us "losers"!  Let's sit down, take stock, evaluate, pray, be grateful, we're not done yet, we haven't lost at anything!  We just experienced an emotional lesson on how to deal with emotions.  Hey, if you want to look at it this way, with each loss comes opportunity for growth.  

Improvement is not without discomfort, and pain is part of progress. No one is exempt from days like this, Mamma said!



  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

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  2. Anonymous2:33 AM

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  3. Anonymous7:38 PM

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  4. Anonymous10:14 PM

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  5. Anonymous10:58 PM

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  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

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  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

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  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

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  9. Anonymous5:38 AM

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  10. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Very very true
